Contribute to Kornia

Everyone is welcomed to get involved with the project. There are different ways in how you can put your two cents:

  1. Ask/Answer questions in the #kornia tag in Kornia Discuss:
    • Please, don’t use GitHub issues for Q&A.

  2. Report bugs through GitHub issues:
    • Do a quick search first to see whether others reported a similar issue.

    • In case you find an unreported bug, please open a new ticket.

    • Try to provide as much information as possible.

  3. Join our Slack [HERE]

  4. Fix a bug or develop a feature from the roadmap:
    • We will always have an open ticket showing the current roadmap.

    • Pick an unassigned feature (or potentially propose new one) or an open bug ticket.

    • Follow the instructions from Developing Kornia in order to setup your development environment and start coding.

    • Checkout our coding conventions. See more details below.

    • Run the test framework locally and make sure all works as expected before sending a pull request.

    • Open a Pull Request, get the green light from the CI and get your code merged.

  5. Donate resources to the project through GitHub Sponsor or Open Collective !

For more information about our development process, see our Developers corner.

Happy coding !