kornia.io ========= .. currentmodule:: kornia.io Package to load and save image data. The package internally implements `kornia_rs `_ which contains a low level implementation for Computer Vision in the `Rust `_ language. In addition, we implement the `DLPack `_ protocol natively in Rust to reduce the memory footprint during the decoding and types conversion. .. tip:: You need to ``pip install kornia_rs`` to use this package. For now we only support Linux platforms. Contact us or sponsor the project for more support (mac, win, rust, c++, video and camera). See: `https://opencollective.com/kornia `_ .. note:: The package needs at least PyTorch 1.10.0 installed. .. code-block:: python import kornia as K from kornia.io import ImageLoadType from kornia.core import Tensor img: Tensor = K.io.load_image(file_path, ImageLoadType.UNCHANGED, device="cuda") # will load CxHxW / in the original format in "cuda" img: Tensor = K.io.load_image(file_path, ImageLoadType.RGB8, device="cpu") # will load 3xHxW / in torch.uint in range [0,255] in "cpu" img: Tensor = K.io.load_image(file_path, ImageLoadType.GRAY8, device="cuda") # will load 1xHxW / in torch.uint8 in range [0,255] in "cuda" img: Tensor = K.io.load_image(file_path, ImageLoadType.GRAY32, device="cpu") # will load 1xHxW / in torch.float32 in range [0,1] in "cpu" img: Tensor = K.io.load_image(file_path, ImageLoadType.RGB32, device="cuda") # will load 3xHxW / in torch.float32 in range [0,1] in "cuda" .. autofunction:: load_image .. autofunction:: write_image .. autoclass:: ImageLoadType :members: :undoc-members: